Sunday, October 30, 2011

Entrepreneur - What Do You Get Out of CEO Space?

  • Connections, connections, connections!
  • Rapid exposure to new customers and target markets
  • Capital funding and seed funding
  • Intellectual property and trademark protection
  • Strong alliances and joint venture partners
  • Resources for product distribution
  • Advice from the top consultants to Fortune companies
  • State-of-the-art mentorship and training regarding your funding strategy, capital compliance, branding, marketing, and much more!

Imagine what might happen if you suddenly had access to 70,000+ key influencers who couldn’t wait to help you bring you and your company to the success you deserve?

You owe it to yourself to become a member.

The next gathering is December 11-18, 2011 at the beautiful Loews Lake Hotel & Resort just outside of Las Vegas.  (You'll think you are in Beverly Hills.)

Experience CEO Space, the opportunity awaits you and the door is open.

We look forward to celebrating your success with you very soon!

Subscribe in the box on the upper left to find out more.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Uncle Ben's Instant Success (Rice) - Microwave Success "IS" an Oxymoron

There is no microwave success. There is no promise that you or anyone will raise all their funds in any single forum or get their money back from one forum.

The promise is hardened in pre- class kits, and legal contracts, which supersede any claim or representation by graduates or third parties of any nature. We live by our legal agreements as expressed in pre class materials and legal contracts.

Regular Forum use as designed for lifetime members tends for the vast majority to resolve any expectation the Forum is Uncle Ben microwave success. Our promise is that the Forum works to...